
Autodiagnostika (OBD) ja tarvikud (296 toodet)

Nimetus Sorteeri Kauba kood Sorteeri Hind km-ga Sorteeri
Tester LAUNCH Dünaamiline ATF vahetusseade 501S CAT-501S 4880,00
Adapter CDP+ 16 pin cable AC-900200637 72,00
Diagnostikatester BOSCH KTS 560 Diagnostikatester BOSCH KTS 560 0-684-400-560 4600,00
Litsents Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) 1-987-726-013 732,00
Litsents Advanced Measurement FSA 1-987-727-952 1098,00
Litsents Air Suspension 1-987-727-678 1098,00
Litsents Application Diesel Testbench EPS 708 1-987-727-526 366,00
Litsents AUTOCOM ICON CARS 3a AC-900120833 3049,00
Litsents AUTOCOM Cars 1a, andmebaasiga AC-900100002 1299,00
Litsents AUTOCOM CARS PRO Koolidele 1 aasta jätkulitsents AC-W015061700 183,00
Litsents AUTOCOM CDP + Cars 1a FIXED AC-900120701 999,00
Litsents AUTOCOM CDP+ 1a subscription - jätkulitsents AC-W015064900 875,00
Litsents AUTOCOM CDP+ TRUCKS 1 aasta subscription - jätkulitsents AC-W015064901 1000,00
Litsents Autocom ICON CARS 1 aasta AC-900120831 1016,00
Litsents AUTOCOM ICON CARS 1a STANDART subscription - jätkulitsents AC-W015061902 850,00
Litsents Autocom ICON PRO 1 aasta subscription AC-W015061904 1275,00
Litsents Autocom ICON TRUCKS 1 aasta AC-900120841 956,00
Litsents AUTOCOM ICON TRUCKS 1 aasta subscription - jätkulitsents AC-W015061901 1200,00
Litsents AUTOCOM IVECO 1 aasta kehtiva litsentsi jätkamine AC-W015061113 445,00
Litsents AUTOCOM IVECO Secure Gateway 1 aasta litsents AC-IVECO-SGW 199,99
Litsents Automatic transmission - AT & DCT 1-987-727-696 732,00
Litsents Body and comfort and convenience electro 1-987-727-813 1098,00
Litsents Bosch Bosch CRI Põhilitsents PC 1-687-P15-090 403,00
Litsents BOSCH ESITronic 2.0 Advanced Unlimited 1-987-P12-840-999 1091,90
Litsents BOSCH ESITronic 2.0 Advanced Unlimited Lisalitsents 1-987-P12-860-999 79,30
Litsents BOSCH ESITronic 2.0 Diagnostic Unlimited 1-987-P12-820-999 677,10
Litsents BOSCH ESITronic 2.0 MASTER Unlimited 1-987-P12-910-999 1634,80
Litsents BOSCH ESItronic 2.0 MASTER Unlimited lisalitsens 1-987-P12-920-999 79,30
Litsents BOSCH ESItronic 2.0 SD/SIS 1-987-P12-430-999 952,00
Litsents BOSCH ESItronic 2.0 SD/SIS Lisalitsents 1-987-P12-570-999 31,00
Litsents BOSCH ESItronic A apliktsioon + lisad 1-987-P12-410-999 1,31
Litsents BOSCH ESItronic lisalitsentsi A aplikatsioon + lisad 1-987-P12-555-999 1,31
Litsents Common Rail Diagnosis 1-987-727-690 732,00
Litsents CP4 Test and repair 1-987-726-239 732,00
Litsents Diesel 1- high pressure injection PC 1-987-726-248 1098,00
Litsents Diesel vehicle technology 2 1-987-727-557 1098,00
Litsents Electric systems basic 1-987-727-502 732,00
Litsents Electronics 1 1-987-727-520 1098,00
Litsents Electronics 2 1-987-727-521 1098,00
Litsents Electronics 3 1-987-727-522 1098,00
Litsents EURO 5 Passthru documentation 1-987-726-900 488,00
Litsents EXAMINATION 1-987-727-975 976,00
Litsents Exhaust gas after treatment in PC 1-987-727-544 1098,00
Litsents Gasoline injection 1 1-987-726-102 1098,00
Litsents Gasoline injection 2 1-987-726-116 1098,00
Litsents Gasoline injection 3 1-987-726-120 1098,00
Litsents HaynesPro Online workshopdata CarSet Tech+El+Smart Litsents HaynesPro Online workshopdata CarSet Tech+El+Smart HPRO-CARSET 781,00
Litsents HaynesPro Online workshopdata Tech Litsents HaynesPro Online workshopdata Tech HPRO-TECH 403,00
Litsents HaynesPro Online Workshopdata Tech + EL Litsents HaynesPro Online Workshopdata Tech + EL HPRO-TECH-EL 598,00
Litsents High Voltage Awareness (level 1) 1-987-726-169 732,00